FreeOnes Exclusive Interview: Kate England (part 1)

October 23, 2015, by Steve


That’s right, our collection of exclusive interviews just continues to grow and this time we have snagged one of the hottest young properties in porn and one of the most popular ladies amongst FreeOnes patrons so far this year – it’s Kate England!


1.) Why did you decide to start doing porn?

I was currently working in the medical field as an X-ray Technician when I was contacted by a scout. I love trying new and exciting things so I accepted the offer and went to Miami where I began my career about a year ago.

2.) How did you choose your stage name? Is this your first stage name or have you had others?

This is my only stage name and I chose it because I wanted something catchy and classy that people could remember.

3.) What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen while on the job?

I was shooting a scene outdoors and there were a lot of different pet birds in the area we were shooting. There was a parrot in one cage close to where were shooting and during photos he kept whistling at me! I couldn’t stop laughing

4.) If you find you’ll be paired with someone new, (that you haven’t met yet) Do you check their scenes out?

Not usually, no. I love working with new talent. I just get excited to meet them personally and shoot a good scene.

5.) Is there anyone that’s retired that you wish you could have worked with?

I would have loved to work with Christy Mack.

6.) What is the best part of being Kate England right now? What makes you happy?

I am having so much fun traveling and experiencing new things while working! What makes me the happiest though is taking a break sometimes and spending time with friends and my two little chihuahuas.

7.) How do you unwind after a day on set?

I like to sit in the hottub and drink a glass of white wine.

8.) Selfie sticks: Practical tool or dangerous weapon?

Honestly, I have never used one! It seems like it could be a little bit of both though.

9.) What’s the scariest movie you ever seen in your life? What made it so chilling?

Probably, ‘The Ring’ because I was young when I watched it and alone upstairs in my cousins room with no lights on.

10.) You’ve been the #1 FreeOnes girl pretty steady lately. How does it feel to be so popular?

It was actually surprising but of course it feels good to have so many loyal fans that follow my career and support me.


Look out for part two next week – and you can go and discuss this interview on the FreeOnes Board here.

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